
dk3 是一家丹麥設計家具公司,產品融合了來自丹麥偉大建築師和設計師 (如 Jeppe Utzon、Poul Cadovius 等) 的獨特經典和現代家具,在全球超過 30 個國家都有代理商。 品牌對品質從不妥協,創造和生產由真正的愛好者塑造和製作的家具,致力於透過永恆的鋼或黃銅與優質木材的融合,將最優秀的木工傳統與現代和經典的家具設計結合起來。從最初的設計草圖到木工製造,許多家具的完成及表面處理都交由工匠人手打造,體現出品牌對有機材料的熱愛和對品質的堅定關注。 於 2010 年,dk3 重新推出了標誌性的壁掛式儲物系統 ROYAL SYSTEM® 壁架牆櫃,該系統由丹麥著名設計師 Poul Cadovius 於 1948 年設計,是世界上首款壁掛式家具儲物系统,因其簡潔的設計風格及有多種不同組合方式而成為一項突破,為 dk3 創造了舉世知名的成功,也為品牌奠定了堅實的基礎。

dk3 collection combines exclusive classic and contemporary furniture from great Danish architects and designers such as Jeppe Utzon, Poul Cadovius and others. Our brand is represented through furniture retailers in more than 30 countries around the world.

In 2010, we relaunched the iconic wall-mounted shelving system ROYAL SYSTEM®, designed by Poul Cadovius in 1948 which has played a major role in the birth and establishment of dk3 and created a strong fundament for our company.